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Download ringtones, I don't think so!
Published on September 15, 2005 By Reppiks In WinCustomize Site Issues
Tonight around 9:50 I visited the Wincustomize "newest" page. At the top was a banner ad for Cell phone "ringtones". As I slid my cursor across the ad (I did not left or right click) Windows download dialog asked what I wanted to do with this file, open or save to disk. Just to be sure I didn't accidentally click my mouse I tried it several more times, each time it instigated an immediate download.
I understand the need for advertising revenue, as much as I don't like ad's, I'd rather the website be kept alive by advertising, than to have it shut down for the lack of $. What I don't understand is Wincustomize dealing with sleazy businesses that want to load our computers with software that we didn't request. It's just not the style I have become used to from this website.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 15, 2005
I was wondering the same thing, it did the same thing to me on music ringtones. I thought being a subscriber you didn't have to deal with banner adds.
on Sep 15, 2005
I saw the ringtone one in FF, a different one in IE but neither one attacked me.
but i had to log out to see them
on Sep 15, 2005
I was already logged in. Like I said, if we need the ads to support the site, so be it. But not malicious practices like this.
on Sep 17, 2005
It's almost as annoying as all the ad-words that appear magically in posted articles here. Even the stuff we type inadvertantly becomes an advertisement. Don't click the "Download," "dialog", or "cell phone" links in the above message: I guarantee that Reppiks didn't insert those links, but someone's aiming to make money off your articles.
on Sep 17, 2005
As a subscriber I don't see anything.
on Sep 17, 2005
Access Class: Journeyman (4)
User Level: Subscriber (5)
Reppiks...at that 'level' you won't see any ads...unless there's a temporary bug...or you're logged out....
on Sep 17, 2005
I'm a subscriber and I get the ads, too. Must be a bug in the system.
on Sep 17, 2005
Jafo, it may be a bug since I'm logged in. Still I think it's out of character for WinCustomize to have adds that start a download automaticly without clicking on them. But thanks for the come-back any how.
on Sep 17, 2005
Had the same problem .. but it seems fixed now
on Sep 17, 2005
I'm still seeing the banner ad at the top, and text ads at the bottom, of the Newest page. I'm always logged in.
on Sep 17, 2005
Periodically, the ads show up even for logged in subscribers. It's a bug that was acknowledged some time ago and, to the best of my knowledge, is being worked on. It was stated, as well, that WC is not purposefully serving ads to subscribers.

As far as the automatic downloads, it was also pointed out some time ago that WC uses some type of ad service that rotates various ads from a continually changing queue. It sounds like the ad service WC uses has, once again, let someone a bit shady in the pool.
I say once again, because something similar to this happened a while back and it was corrected by contacting the ad server and alerting them to the problem. I believe it was KarmaGirl that took care of it before, if memory serves.
on Sep 17, 2005
I'm glad the ad server situation will be addressed. As far as the ads showing up from time to time, who would have thunk, a windows bassed system having a glich! Thanks Jafo and Pictoraus.
on Sep 17, 2005

I've sent a note to the team to make sure this gets fixed asap.

I'm not seeing ads though.

on Sep 17, 2005
I'm not seeing ads though.

This is the Gallery page Saturday Night 10:35 EST

on Sep 18, 2005
One extra note for the Admin's., I noticed in the screenshot it's the Opera browser. I have had the ads showw up using IE, Maxthon, and Firefox. But it is not every time I visit the site, and I always show as logged in.
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